Resource Recovery

Managing waste onsite and turning it into clean, renewable energy.

Waste is generated locally and should be managed onsite. Welcome to Watogy™- The local solution to waste management.

What Can Watogy Process

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Every time anything is created, it is simply the act of taking raw material and transforming it into something that has purpose. Conversely, every time something is thrown away, it is because it is no longer useful for its intended, or adapted purpose. It is now waste, without purpose, use or value.

That object doesn’t cease to exist. Being out of sight does not reduce its volume, weight, or substance. It simply transforms into something else: waste that has no purpose and few give a second thought to. Even the terminology is flawed when we say “throw away” because there is no such thing as “away”. Everything goes somewhere. It is thrown into the trash to become another object piled up on a literal toxic mountain of other unneeded objects.

But what if everything that is created also has a purpose after it becomes waste? What if there was a machine that gave waste value? What if this machine could transform most of what is thrown away into usable energy? Watogy does just that. Watogy is:

  • A revolution in onsite energy generation: microgrids where companies and communities create their own energy from a renewable resource they produce every day.

  • A revolution in waste management: waste is no longer an expensive problem that one pays to have thrown into a landfill to become someone else’s toxic problem.

Even with all the ongoing energy conservation in the world, energy use is projected to grow as we use more electric cars, move away from fossil fuels and developing nations increase their consumption. Waste will continue to rise as economies consume more. Watogy addresses these issues and offers a solution that is better for the environment, while reducing costs and saving money.

Imagine a world where buildings are engineered around Watogy, where waste management is designed into a building using Watogy to eliminate trash containers outside, along with the fees for emptying them, while providing heat, cooling, electricity year-round. There have been few times in history where one solution addressed two critical societal problems at once. Watogy is one of those opportunities.